The Yōkai kimono, a name inspired by creatures from Japanese folklore, is our first product in our Brazilian jiu-jitsu range.


5 Tips To Get The Best Out Of Your Summer Training Camps

Keep drinking, it’s hot! 

The summer brings higher temperatures and sun, really nice after the cold dark winter! Together with getting tanned, you’ll also sweat much more than you’re used to during the winter. Pay extra attention to start the training well-hydrated and drink more during the training. Take a few sips every 15-20 minutes. Aim to be fully hydrated already 2 hours before training starts, to avoid running to the toilet.  

Fuel up 

Trainings in training camps are often more demanding than regular trainings. The energy the body needs for those intense judo sessions comes mainly from carbohydrates. Therefore, a carbohydrate rich diet is strongly recommended. 

Try to eat enough carbohydrates in each meal, for example: bread, pasta, grains, potatoes, oats, etc. If there is more than 4 hours between your last meal and training, have an additional carbohydrate-rich snack before the training session. Some good options are banana, dried fruits, bread with jam, etc. 

Pay attention to recovery 

Maintaining the same training quality from session to session during the entire camp requires a good recovery strategy. Rest between training, plan your training intensity, stretch, and of course – eat enough. Your muscles get damaged during the training sessions and proteins are the building blocks required to repair them. Make sure to eat enough of them to prevent injuries and enjoy the training adaptation. Foods containing a lot of protein are lean meat, fish, eggs, yoghurt, milk, etc.  

Besides protein it’s important to recover the energy in your muscles. The quickest way to do this is by eating something rich in carbohydrates straight after training. Chocolate milk for example is a very good recovery drink. 

Keep eating healthy 

During training camp you often don’t have your regular food from home available, you probably burn a lot more energy and temptations are much more present. Remember that you can’t justify a bad diet by training hard. On the contrary, a bad diet can damage the quality of your training. Try to maintain your nutritional goals at all time and if necessary – bring some food with you for emergencies.  

Enjoy the sun 

Between trainings, go out and enjoy the sun! Sunlight is the best source for vitamin D. Judokas and other indoor athletes tend to have a vitamin D deficiency, which leaves them vulnerable for illnesses and weak bones. A short walk outside can prevent that.  

Do make sure you put sufficient amount of sunscreen, or don’t stay in the sun for too long. A sunburned skin and a judo-gi is a painful combination and on top of that there is a strong correlation between sunburn and skin cancer.  

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